Shipping Information

At Becmella Australia, our goal is to offer you the best shipping options, no matter where you live. Every day, we deliver to hundreds of customers across the world, including North America, Europe, Gulf, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, ensuring that we provide the very highest levels of responsiveness to you at all times.

The time frame for order delivery is divided into two parts:

  • Processing time: Order verification, tailoring, quality check and packaging. All orders are sent to the manufacturer for dispatch within 24 hours after the order is placed. The manufacturer and our Post Partners process the orders, which takes an additional 2–4 days.
  • Shipping time: This refers to the time it takes for items to be shipped from our warehouse to the destination. International delivery usually takes about 15–30 business days. Australian orders are shipped by Australia Post, which is a Australian Postal Service product. After processing and leaving the warehouse, items usually take between 7 and 14 days to arrive at their destination but can vary from time to time.
  • For further enquiries, email us at 
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    Estimated Delivery Times

    Following are our current standard estimated delivery times for each country.

    Countries Delivery time (Days) Countries Delivery time (Days) Countries Delivery time (Days)
    Albania 27 Honduras 34 Pakistan 21
    Angola 27.2 Hong Kong 15.5 Panama 45
    Argentina 40.3 Hungary 25.3 Papua New Guinea 23
    Armenia 35 Iceland 31.9 Peru 30.9
    Australia 14.5 India 25.2 Philippines 22.8
    Austria 23.1 Indonesia 20.6 Poland 28.2
    Azerbaijan 27.6 Ireland 36.1 Portugal 30.6
    Bahrein 21.6 Israel 27.1 Qatar 26.6
    Belgium 19.1 Italy 30.7 Romania 40.7
    Bhutan 21.8 Japan 19.4 Russian Federation 27.9
    Botswana 37.7 Jordan 17.3 Salvador 42.6
    Brazil 39 Kazakhstan 29.2 Saudi Arabia 31.1
    Brunei Darussalam 24.4 Kenya 29.7 Senegal 23
    Bulgaria 19.5 Kuwait 26.6 Serbia 20.7
    Byelorussia 27.2 Laos 23 Seychelles 11.5
    Cambodia 22.8 Latvia 19.1 Singapore 19.9
    Canada 17.4 Lebanon 38.7 Slovakia 22.7
    Cape Verde 34.5 Liechtenstein 15.3 Slovenia 18.6
    Chile 28.6 Lithuania 22.7 South Africa 42.7
    China 15.2 Luxembourg 22.1 South Korea 17.4
    Colombia 28.9 Macau 23 Spain 15.6
    Costa Rica 35.6 Macedonia 11.5 Sri Lanka 23.3
    Croatia 17.1 Madagascar 23 Sweden 18.7
    Cyprus 22 Malaysia 19.8 Switzerland 15
    Czech Republic 21.3 Maldives 19.6 Taiwan 17.3
    Denmark 17.4 Malta 14.5 Tanzania 22
    Ecuador 22.8 Mauritius 28.9 Thailand 17
    Egypt 45 Mexico 30.4 Tunisia 21.4
    Estonia 19.7 Moldova 31.1 Turkey 31.6
    Fiji 22.5 Monaco 27.4 Uganda 21.6
    Finland 21.2 Mongolia 25.6 Ukraine 23.7
    France 15 Montenegro 23 United Emirates 20.1
    Georgia 22.9 Morocco 28.7 United Kingdom 12.1
    Germany 19.5 Mozambique 25.1 United States 18.3
    Ghana 29.1 Nepal 23 Uruguay 32.9
    Greece 24.6 Netherlands 12.6 Uzbekistan 23
        New Zealand 14.6 Vietnam 19.5
        Nigeria 22.8 Zambia 35.6
        Norway 28.8 Zimbabwe 39
        Oman 25.1